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Following is a list of our admissions and application guidelines:
Morgantown Learning Academy (MLA) values diversity within the student population and welcomes children of all races, sexes, nationalities, and religions.
MLA considers the records of all individual students to be confidential information available to a child’s parents/guardians and only after all accounts due are paid in full.
MLA reserves the right to refuse admission to a child if school personnel believe that his/her educational needs cannot be met in the MLA learning environment.
MLA encourages parent involvement. We require each family to volunteer a pre-set number of hours per school year and participate in fundraising events.
Please return this application form and non-refundable application fee of $50 to the school.
Applications for admission are available throughout the school year from the school office. All prospective students are requested to submit any previous school records and results of any screening and/or evaluations. These must be received before a formal admission decision can be made. The school requires that the child and parents/guardians interview with the teacher and directors. You will be contacted by a Director to set up an interview once a space becomes available. Applicants will remain on the waitlist until MLA receives notification to remove the child’s name.
MLA reserves the right to require testing/evaluation as deemed necessary, to make a decision about the admission of a child to the school.
A student must be 5 or 6 years of age by September 1st to enter Kindergarten or First Grade, respectively. early admission testing may be requested.
Class sizes are limited to ensure optimum learning opportunities for students. Applications are reviewed according to, but not limited to, the following criteria: date of application, siblings currently enrolled, continuing status, and the number of years the student plans to attend MLA.
You will receive a letter of acceptance once your child has been admitted to MLA.
You will be asked to sign a tuition contract with MLA. A variety of payment options are available. A ninetyday, written notice of your intent to remove your child from MLA is required and must be given to a director to legally terminate the contract.
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